Attorneys prepared to help you in the event that your Florida vacation results in an accident or personal injury.
After planning a trip of a lifetime, an unexpected injury can interrupt your enjoyment or end your vacation in tragedy. An injury is difficult no matter where you are, however when you are far form home an accident can leave you feeling isolated and vulnerable. Consumer Law Attorneys will help you through such difficult times. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Florida attracts many tourists form all over the world. When a visitor from another state or country is injured, questions arise about where and how to file a claim against the negligent person or company. The attorneys at Consumer Law Attorneys are here to help tourists who have been injured during their visit to Florida. We help maneuver the complex jurisdictional issues associated with tiling a claim for clients who reside outside the state of Florida. We communicate with clients who live in other states and countries as frequently as if they lived right next door. No matter where you call home, we are able to expeditiously litigate your case. Our modern office is designed specifically to facilitate quick and full communication with international and mainland clients and their doctors.
It is essential that your attorney understands the particular circumstances of each accident. The attorneys and staff of Consumer Law Attorneys engage in the adventurous sports lifestyle that is unique to Florida and we draw upon our personal experiences when investigating our clients’ claims. Our firm stands willing to help victims with injuries resulting from: